Concept Design
Designed to capture high-fidelity, wide-spectrum,
bio-metrics, Zeo was envisioned to collect movement, position, muscle, calorie, hydration, perspiration, heart and respiratory performance.
Increasingly physiological bio-metrics are being collected and analyzed for actionable insights for optimizing performance, assessing risk factors and improving quality of life. While most wearable devices miss out on large amounts of information about our bodies, their compact form factor make them accessible tools for capturing narrow spectrum's of performance. Conversely tools that capture wide spectrum's of physiological information are not suited to active movement and are confined to stationary environments.
Configured as a system of ultra-thin, ultra-compressible wearables that can be scaled from a Zeoband, an upper chest wrap, to a full Zeosuit that increases the spectrum of information captured, Zeo is positioned to integrate with a diverse ecosystem of future gaming, fitness and health Apps.
With the convergence of smartwatches, wearables and fitness trackers the opportunity for providing a high-fidelity data net that captures complex physiological information and shares it with the internet-of-things is emerging.